Friday, March 22, 2013


Smoking is a terrible habit, unforgivably stupid. But.....!!!!! 


  1. Yes, they are smoking hot, Margaret! I need a cigarette, but I just remembered that I don't smoke.

    Who's this third smoker? I'm entranced by his eyes.

    Thank you for this post and the reminder about this vile habit.

    Have a great weekend, Margaret.

  2. Robyn--The third smoker is Peter O'Toole, back in the day when his hotosity was off the charts...and yes, he certainly did have the eyes, didn't he? Even now, when he's a fragile old geezer staggering about in the occasional film, to me, he's always worth watching. Rare vintage (blue-eyed) Irish whiskey!

  3. Ms. A--I know! :^) I gave up smoking many years ago, but there are times I still miss it. Ahhh, that luxurious cig with good coffee after dinner.....

  4. I better get a bucket of water and cool you two girls off!

  5. Pat Tillett--Hey, we're just admiring three wonderful actors--who happen to be very, very easy on the eyes!

  6. Whenever they tell kids that smoking doesn't make you look cool or sexy, I think don't lie to the kids. Just tell them the emphezyma isn't worth how cool and sexy you'll look.

  7. Professor Chaos--Absolutely. Makes sense to me!
