Friday, November 13, 2020


Seven months of ice and snow, except for unnatural places like California. Our North country December has no people in slingshot bikinis. Oh Jeeze. What can we do to fill the time and stay chirpy as our butts slowly numb? The quarantine was bad enough in GOOD weather. Some were driven by solitude and boredom to eat grass like crazy kings in the Old Testament. Some were throwing bags of Domino Sugar over themselves.

Growing our hair out is better than pulling it out! Stop cutting your lavish locks. Let them whip!

By spring, women would discover for sure if they have the soul of a Victorian bride or Mata Hari.

Some men will have refined and gentle beards like Chinese sages.

Others will be old sea captains with the ship's cat nestling in their human fur.

Watch out for the guy with hypnotic glittery eyes who doesn't wash much. He's turned into a mad monk, like Rasputin.
In April under the cherry blossoms we can gather, and Ooh and Aah and compare, and see what we've become.

So, starting in November, with the first snow: let it flow.💓


  1. Replies
    1. At least I'm not forbidding people to wash their hair for the duration. Although in the old days women really believed in holding on to those natural oils!

  2. I know, Margaret. I know.
    This California lifer is wishing I hadn't caved in and gone to Supercuts a few months ago. Today's an unusually cold and rainy day.

    Please be safe, warm, and well, my dear friend. Let that hair grow and grow and...

  3. I hope that when you have a cold and rainy day, it's warmed by good meaty soup and a sodbusting grainy loaf, well buttered, and glass of red...and good company, when it's safely possible in our plaguey times.
